The seminal voice of the Metal Gear series, David Hayter, recently did a guest stint with the MTV movie blog talking videogame adaptations. While there, he revealed a few behind the curtain details on the status of the planned Metal Gear movie. He is a trustworthy source on the subject since he wrote the screenplay for the seemingly lost project. According to what David has heard, Sony has simply never been able to close a deal with famed creator of the series, Hideo Kijoma. The script was written and pre-production began, but unfinished business between Sony and Konami/Kojima have stalled the process indefinitely.

When and if the Metal Gear movie does come out, I’m sure it will be rad. Here’s to hoping these guys can settle their differences before people stop caring about Metal Gear completely…

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One Response

  1. Ryan

    I personally and about six of my friends love all the metal gear’s and are dying to see a movie made of this series. please solve your problems, i can’t wait much longer!!


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