Be afraid, be very afraid.

Entertainment Weekly today revealed that song’s from Disney teeny-boppers Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato are coming to the world of Guitar Hero next week.

Disney Stars Gomez, Lovato and Cyrus

The Disney-made-me-famous trio’s track pack arrives May 18 for Wii and May 25 for Xbox 360 and PS3 for both Guitar Hero and Band Hero.

The songs include Miley Cyrus’ "7 Things," Demi Lovato’s "Here We Go Again," and Selena Gomez & The Scene’s "Falling Down."

To get an early glimpse at the songs in action, head to the EW page.

About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

22 Responses

  1. Susanna Correya

    Demi you have to get it. You’re the best!!! Go Demi!!

  2. Katrina

    Selena is the best out of all three, she’s not a backstabber like Demi is. I’m glad Selena’s on Band Hero, I’m totally going to get it.

  3. Nat

    Amg, iv’e never seen Miley Cyrus so pretty befor xD just to say i like all the girls there are awsome and pretty xD

  4. streefy edylarcky

    miley, selena, Demi Lovato are the prettiest of the world and you could still do a show in Brazil

  5. keke loves demi lovato 4ever

    for ur info demi is not no backstabber and ur mean to say that do u really want to hurt her feelings and u say that cuz u want selena to see and like u but she not cuzz u talkin bout her bff so shutup and talk wat u know and sense u said sum10 bout demi she still not worser than selena who got pregnant by nick but she lost the baby cuz nick did not want the baby so she is a hoe well she not but still demi is my fave of alll of them miley shes just a straight up hoe for realz

  6. chloé

    chers demi lovato,miley ciruset selena gomez
    je suis de la réunion vous etre mais fane merveilleux je regarde tout vos emision vous etre tres belle je vous aime moi et ma cousine.

  7. werocktheworld

    @keke loves demi lovato 4ever..i cant believe you just called selena and miley a hore..what about you???..if you’re the biggest hore in the world then dont call other people hore..selena and miley are stars..n you’re piss off..n talk about your life..say good comments but dont say things that will hurt others..


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