Lionhead Studios, the team behind the famed Fable franchise, today unleashed on its newly revamped website, Video Diary 2. It speaks at length with a host of interviewees about Lionhead’s latest project, Fable III. Everyone from programmers to creative director Peter Molyneux to even the famed Monty Python mastermind John Cleese make appearances in it.

The video is centered around the game’s new user interface; mainly dropping 2D menus for living, breathing 3D ones.

You’ll see the game’s map mechanic has been entirely overhauled as well as the dressing room area; a 3D space where John Cleese’s character, Jasper, narrates the fashion decisions you make.

About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

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