Green Day’s own Rock Band title, Green Day: Rock Band, which is due out in just a couple of weeks, will feature 47 tracks from the band’s storied career, but that’s not enough for the punk rockin’ trio.

Green Day

In an interview with the Game Informer magazine, Green Day drummer Tre Cool expressed interest and readiness to extend the band’s digital legacy to beyond the tunes on the disc.

We wanted it all to go on there, but I guess you have to leave something for later. The technology is pretty sweet. You can download more material on all the consoles. Personally, I like PS3. I watch Netflix on my PlayStation 3. So, we’re going to have more stuff going through the pipeline later, like the old records once we get them on digital and get the stems. Hopefully, we’ll come up with some new looks.

This all sounds wonderful, only thing is, Harmonix said there would be no additional downloadable songs from the game, saying there are already “sculpted experiences” for each song and adding new tunes to that mix would not jive.

What gives?

Green Day: Rock Band is out June 8. Expect more details soon.

via Kotaku

About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

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