Electronic Arts today announced a nifty little promotion for its upcoming arcade basketball revision, NBA Jam, that could potentially land whatever catch-phrase you create in the game.

What’s more, Tim Kitzrow, the man who voiced the announcer in the original NBA Jam, AKA the man who coined the phrases Boom-shaka-laka and He’s on Fire, will reprise his role in the new title and will voice whatever one-liner the winner creates.

To enter the contest, first you’ll want to think up a catchy quip, then, when you’re sure you’ve created a winner, head over to the game’s Facebook page and submit it, but be wary of the following guidelines.

First, catchphrases must be 10 words or less. Also, you’re able to submit any phrase you believe would fit into the following categories: dunks, assists, alley oops, blocks, 3 pt shots, 2 pt field goal, "on fire" shots, steals, shot clock violations, rebounds, or missed shots. EA also reminds enthusiasts that references to NBA players are not advised, and of course, cuss words and innuendo are no-nos.

For even more information, and to submit your entry, check out the contest’s official entry page on Facebook.

About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

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