Peter Molyneux, head man over at Lionhead Studios, the team responsible for the Fable franchise, today confirmed that Fable III will release episodically.

He said “the first big episodes” will be the main game and that smaller adventures will follow as (likely) paid downloadable content.

“I’ve often thought it would be brilliant to be walking through Charles Dickens’ London. It was such a dark place and very episodic too — so we’re doing that with Fable III,” he said. “We’ll give you the first big episodes, and you’ll be able to download new episodes, which is analogous to the way Dickens wrote.”

The famed game designer also said downloadable goodies will be available in the game world itself, thus removing the need to fiddle around with the finicky dashboard.

And on the subject of Project Natal implementation in the game, which we know it will have, Molyneux said it’s all up to you.

“You still need a controller to play Fable III but there are places in the world where you can use Natal, where it’s cute, funny, engaging. You don’t need it but it does enable an enhanced Fable III.”

Now, it remains to be revealed if Fable III will release both digitally and on physical disc and if the game will bear a lesser price tag considering not all the content is available. Or maybe we’re misinterpreting his words here and Molyneux is simply referring to DLC, the way Fable II did it.

When word comes officially from Microsoft, we’ll update the story.

Source: Destructoid

About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

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