There is no combat in the first thirty minutes of Fable III, and creative director Peter Molyneux sees this as a possible problem and wants your input.
He said, via Twitter today, that he is “slightly worried” about the lack of opening scene combat.
He’s asking his Twitter followers if they think this half hour denial of hand-to-hand action is too long.
“Been playing the opening of Fable 3, I am slightly worried that there is no combat for the first 30 mins. Is this too long, thoughts.”
What do you think? In Fable II you fought rambunctious juvenile with a wooden sword who punched your sister in the opening minutes of the game (at 7:35 in this video to be exact). That was fun. But unless you speak up and respond to Molyneux, the same might not happen in the third installment.
UPDATE: Molyneux updated the story on Twitter, saying:
In responce to the 1st 30 min no combat. There is no combat because it is so dramatic, and that drama has little room full combat.
Source: Peter Molyneux’s Twitter
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