I came across a really interesting blog post today. It’s written by a woman who, rightfully I believe, argues a double standard perpetuated by Facebook’s staff.

She was messaged by Facebook and told to take down a photo of her breastfeeding her two children. They said if she failed to remove the photo, she’d be banned from the site. But there are a number of other photos, more sexualized of course, that Facebook apparently has no problem with.

Click here to check out her blog post.

This needs to STOP.

About The Author

Sachin Seth is the Blast Magazine world news reporter. He writes the Terra blog. You can visit his website at http://sachinseth.com or follow him on twitter @sachinseth

One Response

  1. A. Street

    Facebook machos, you didn’t have a mother or sister or daughter or kids? Breasts are only playthings for boys? You probably haven’t had a meaningful relationship
    since YOUR mother stop breastfeeding you. Maybe thats the issue…..
    Regardless, this flaunts your ignorance, insensitivity and male naivity. To
    alienate a major portion of your clientel you excel. Breastfeeding is what breast are for, hence the name. It is a nature and beautiful experience for mother, child and anyone else with a heart in their chest.


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