You know, I actually buy that Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin would share a hotel room. Hilarious parody of “Paranormal Activity” and nice intro to a horror film tribute.

OMG!!! Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart. Both look rather bored, although it’s nice to see that KStew dressed appropriately for the Oscars — no converse or daggered skirt. And Taylor Lautner, suit and tie as usual (does this guy own a tshirt?) Did we really just see an Oscar clip package that included “Saw”, “Chucky,” an evil leprechaun and…”Twilight”??? The clip package gave some great examples of why horror movies aren’t taken more seriously. Though I do have to say the “Scream” clips have me excited for the fourth movie.

Young Hollywood on parade continues with Zac Efron and Anne Kendrick presenting art and sound editing. They are the much more impressive duo. For those of you who didn’t get a chance to see “Me and Orson Welles” (which I am assuming was many of you), definitely look for it on DVD. Efron equates himself really well and proves he is a promising leading man.

Nice bringing Morgan Freeman into the clip to show the artistry behind sound editing and mixing. Love what the Oscars are doing to explain these awards to us novices at home. I was expecting “Avatar” to pick up most of the technical categories. This could be a sign that “Hurt Locker” should be the strong favorite for Best Picture now.
And Mixing goes to “Hurt Locker” as well. “Avatar” may be in trouble.

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