Visceral Games, the studio once named EA Redwood Shores, and the team responsible for “Dead Space” and “Dante’s Inferno” expressed interest in developing for the Xbox Live Arcade and the PlayStation Network in a recent GamaSutra interview.

Visceral Games general manager Nick Earl sees the digital space as a venue the studio can suceed in.

“Our express purpose is to make the sort of AAA hits that are just naturally found on 360 and PS3. We also do some PC work as well. That’s not to say that we don’t have smaller efforts under way and direct-to-consumer efforts on XBLA and PSN.”

“We had really, really strong results with Battlefield 1943, which was created in a studio even bigger than Visceral and had to pay for its share of infrastructure.”

But when it comes down to it, Earl believes it’s all about the final, polished product a studio puts out.

“It comes down to quality and innovation and being able to bring something that’s interesting to the gamer. I think we’ll have some interesting offerings over this year and next that show our confidence in the space,” he said.

No idea what Visceral may or may not be working on at the moment, but color me interested. What about you? Interested in a bite-sized offering from a big studio like Visceral?

Source: Destructoid

About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

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