The Wii’s a great gaming machine, no doubt. But for realistic-looking games? Ubisoft creative director on Red Steel 2 doesn’t think it’s a match.

“I don’t see the point in trying to do too much realism on the Wii,” Red Steel 2’s Creative Director, Jason Vandenbergh said in a recent interview with CVG.

The Ubisoft Paris man continued, saying there really is “no point” to develop realistic looking Wii games when the Xbox 360 and PS3 are right there next to it.

“Why compete with the 360? The Conduit is a great example. Talk about an incredible piece of technology. Those guys did an amazing job of modernizing the Wii engine.”

However, according to Vanderbergh, the “realistic” Wii games end up, in the minds of gamers, as looking no better than a  “baseline game on 360”.

“It’s got to be frustrating for [Conduit dev, High Voltage],” he added. “Gamers will see the flaws, not your work. They’re not going to see all the effort you put in. Any developers working on the Wii, I recommend you stylise the look because it helps. I think it looks cool anyway.”

Can’t say I disagree with the guy here. I didn’t buy my Wii to bask in the glory of its realistic visuals, because they just aren’t there.

Source: CVG

About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

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