In case you missed our initial post over the weekend, Bungie created one hell of an event for gamers looking to lend a hand to Haiti.
Check out our original story for every last detail, but if you want the quick and short: GO PLAY HALO 3 or ODST!
For every 1000 gamers logged into Xbox Live this evening until midnight, Bungie will donate $100.
Just make sure to change your emblem to the image below and you’ll be counted!
Add me on Xbox Live at eddie not eddy and I’ll try to get a Custom Game going. I’ll be on all evening intermittently.
Gaming for the greater good. Do your part. Be a hero!
Shoot. They should do this kinda thing more often. Who says gaming is a waste of time? Good on Xbox for doin’ this.
crum42 will be on tonight.