Atlus unleashed a slew of new and intriguing screens from Silicon Studio’s 3D Dot Heroes today and there’s one commonality among them; this game is like none other.

The game is said to belong in the “retro action-adventure game” genre, but we’ll keep it open to interpretation.

Atlus is famous for its witty press releases, and this sentence was too awesome to keep to myself.

“While players are drowning in a sea of nostalgia thanks to the game’s euphoric old-school gameplay and retro sexy art, they’ll be treated to an endless stream of parodies and witty references to past gaming classics.”

3D Dot Heroes comes exclusively to the PlayStation 3 May 11.

About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

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