Whoops. This might hurt Martha with those Massachusetts “Joe Six-packs.”
The state attorney general, who has come down from godly heights in the polls for the race to replace Ted Kennedy, apparently called Curt Schilling a Yankee fan on WBZ radio.
Dan Rea: Would Barack Obama be in if this thing was not this close?
Martha Coakley: It’s hard to know, I think that he is welcome in Massachusetts — I’m sure everybody is happy to see a president come.
Rea: 62 to 36
Coakley: But I think probably if it weren’t so close Rudy Giuliani would be here and besides he’s a Yankee fan (Laughter) I just want people to know.
Rea: Uhhh yeah but now Scott Brown has Curt Schilling
Coakley: Another Yankee fan
Rea: Schilling?
Coakley: Yes
Rea: Curt Schilling a Yankee fan?
Coakley: Nooo, alright I’m wrong on my, I’m wrong
Rea: The Red Sox great pitcher of the bloody sock?
Coakley: Well he’s not there anymore.
Coakley is slightly behind Republican — yes Republican — Scott Brown in the latest poll. It should also be noted that Schilling is, in fact, “here” anymore. Blast recently sponsored one of his wife’s charity events.
Oh no you didn’t!!