[UPDATE] Looks like Infinity Ward is on it, as Robert Bowling tweets:
Another #MW2 playlist update to prevent the spread of the “ice skating” / speed hack. Will prevent matchmaking into modded games.
No word on when it will be patched, but they know what the issue is and are working to fix it. [End Update]
With every great game, comes a team of lowlifes who seek to exploit it.
Case in point: yesterday I played a game of team deathmatch on Estate and I repeatedly got killed by some jerk lagging around the map…or so I thought.
A quick perusal of the Internet later and I found this, on video game blog Destructoid, explaining the malfeasance.
Turns out, the perpetrator wasn’t unintentionally lagging and getting lucky kills on me, rather he or she was taking advantage of a new MW2 glitch allowing him or her to move in fast-motion around the map, picking off unsuspecting and dumbfounded foes with great ease.
Here’s a video depicting the hack, and we can only hope Infinity Ward quickly dismantles this cheat in a timely fashion.
Source: Destructoid
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