Computer-maker Alienware yesterday at the Consumer Electronics Shows in sunny Las Vegas showed off what the company is calling the “most powerful 11-inch gaming laptop in the universe.”

It’s called the M11x and it supports up HD 720p resolution, a pretty lengthy maximum battery life expectancy of 6.5 hours, and will sell, when available, for less than a $1000.

So much win, so little time.

Electronics blog Gizmodo reports that the mini-rig can handle Crysis and Modern Warfare 2 at max settings and at a nice rate of 50 frames per second.

Even if you buy this rig, you’re still likely to be subject to the “gaming…on a laptop? You cannot be serious” mentality the Internet has bred.

Looks nice though. No mention of a firm release date, but expect the M11x sometime this year.

It's a powerful little guy.

Source and image credit: Gizmodo

About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

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