All aboard the rumor train. Today has been quite a doozy in the uncertainty and speculation department in terms of Infinity Ward rumors.

First we hear the team isn’t developing Modern Warfare 2 and is instead building an entirely new game, and now we learned (through rumor) that the game is a massively multiplayer online title, an MMO, like World of Warcraft, if by name only.

According to industry sources leaking information to Destructoid, Infinity Ward is in the process of hiring individuals from Sony Online Entertainment, one of which worked on Everquest II, and are under the watchful eye and trusted resource of one, if not more, Blizzard employee.

No idea if this rumored MMO is of the Call of Duty nature. It’d make sense, but with rumors this wild, really, who knows?

Also, whatever the case, the Call of Duty name, and FPS game series, is more than likely to remain solidly intact, only that Infinity Ward may be building this new title, while another studio heads the Modern Warfare movement.

Source: Destructoid

About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

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