If The Beatles: Rock Band didn’t do it for you, Harmonix flexed its musical muscle tonight at the 2009 Video Game Awards and announced Rock Band: Green Day.

The title is due out in 2010, will use the band’s likenesses, favorite songs, and will take gamers to the band’s favorite venues, and that’s all we know!

Admittedly, I’ve whined about Harmonix’s choice of only adding Green Day’s new stuff to the Rock Band Music Store, but little did I know the studio planned on saving the older songs for this game. My apologies Internet readers.

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About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

3 Responses

  1. Carrie

    FUCK YES!!! I will camp out in front of Best Buy to get this game, then play it until my Wii explodes.

  2. JImmy

    I cant wait to see the playlist for it..
    Hopefully it will have (Platypus)I Hate You on it!


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