According to internal Activision estimates, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 shattered day-one launch monetary figures of every other entertainment form to the tune of nearly 5 million copies sold on the game’s first day of availability.

Available at over 10,000 retail outlets, Modern Warfare 2 sold approximately 4.7 million copies to the tune of over $310 million, according to Activision, making it the biggest launch in history across all forms of entertainment. Halo 3, GTA:IV..can you taste it?

Now, it’s important to consider MW2 is a $60 pickup, not the $10-ish a movie goes for today, but it’s impressive nonetheless.

The kicker? These figures come from North America and the UK alone.

Keep your eyes out for a Blast Magazine Modern Warfare 2 tournament coming in the near future. There will be freebies up for grabs! See our Halo 3 Tournament story for details on how much we love our readers!

About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

One Response

  1. Sunny

    Got the game … cudn’t wait and finished it in the very first day…. playing online is awesome….Its a great game but I do like first MW better.


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