If you preorder a copy of LittleBigPlanet for the PSP before it hits shelves next Tuesday, you’ll get a voucher for 6 additional Sackboy costumes.

Now you can complete Sackboy’s epic journey in some cool costumes. But not just ANY costumes, no. We’re being offered costumes that are based on Killzone:Liberation, MotorStorm Arctic Edge and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

Here’s the breakdown of the costumes from each of the games:

Uncharted 2 Character Costumes: Nathan Drake and chloe Frazer

Killzone 2: Helghast Officer and Tank Costume

MotorStorm: Arctic Edge – Lucky Jack Flynn and Candy Buzzbomb.

The offer is only available at Best Buy, Amazon, Gamestop and Gamecrazy. So if you’re a fan of LittleBigPlanet and like the PSP, check out the game. Excited? Let us know below.

About The Author

David is sophomore at Boston College. He writes for the video game section and loves movies, television and music too.

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