If you preorder a copy of LittleBigPlanet for the PSP before it hits shelves next Tuesday, you’ll get a voucher for 6 additional Sackboy costumes.
Now you can complete Sackboy’s epic journey in some cool costumes. But not just ANY costumes, no. We’re being offered costumes that are based on Killzone:Liberation, MotorStorm Arctic Edge and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.
Here’s the breakdown of the costumes from each of the games:
Uncharted 2 Character Costumes: Nathan Drake and chloe Frazer
Killzone 2: Helghast Officer and Tank Costume
MotorStorm: Arctic Edge – Lucky Jack Flynn and Candy Buzzbomb.
The offer is only available at Best Buy, Amazon, Gamestop and Gamecrazy. So if you’re a fan of LittleBigPlanet and like the PSP, check out the game. Excited? Let us know below.
I never got the costumes when I pre-ordered.
Please help.
(Send an email to [email protected] if you know what to do)