Rihanna spilled her guts to Diane Swayer this morning on “Good Morning America” — a move likely choreographed to sync with Chris Brown’s tell-all MTV interview.

According to MTV.com, Rihanna said her relationship with Chris was just too intense. They started out as close friends, and their love bordered on obsession. Rihanna also admitted to feeling guilty for reconciling so quickly with Chris because of the message it sent about domestic violence victims. But now, she says, it’s really over.

“I went through … a host of emotions,” she told Sawyer. “It was confusing for me. I was still attached by love. But I wasn’t thinking about … the reality of the situation. You start lying to yourself. … This is a memory you don’t want to have ever again. … The physical wounds go away, you put it in the back of your head and you start lying to yourself subconsciously.”

Long interview short — she still loves and cares about Chris, but doesn’t think they’ll ever get back together. She hated him for a while, yet felt bad that he was facing so much hatred. Now, she just wants to move on.

“I don’t want that five years from now — every time they see Rihanna, they think of Chris Brown beating me,” she said. “That’s not who I am. It’s just one thing that happened to me.”

You can tune in to MTV tonight at 6:00 to here Chris’ side.

About The Author

Ashley Dean is a Blast staff writer

2 Responses

  1. rahneema

    I am tired of hearing about Rihanna. Its unfortunate what happened 2 her. He was found guilty and is payin for his actions. Now no I do don’t believe that he just attacked her and she sat there while he beat her up. Me being a woman I know what my reaction will be if the person that I am in love wit is disrepecting me while txtin another female in my presence. She is only telling the public what she thinks we want to hear. I believe in my heart that she smacked him 1st. Irregardless who got the best of who he is a victim also. Chris Brown is being appologetic and is now tryin to move on. He is keeping the details of that event at a silence. Rhianna needs to do the same. Or tell all…..


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