The novelty of the motion controls on the Wii has faded a little bit.‚ It’s been three years since the release and I understand that waving my hand back and forth affects the action on the screen.‚ The people over at Hudson however, still find it fascinating–sadly, their latest release, Deca Sports 2, doesn’t even have the most up-to-date motion abilities (Wii Motion Plus) to enhance the experience.
Publisher: Hudson
Developer: Hudson
Sep. 29, 2009
Meant to be played with a full living room, of the ten games represented in Deca Sports 2, none of them are any of the sports showcased in the previous Deca Sports.‚ Some draw similarities like figure skating to synchronized swimming, but in an attempt to make everything fresh, Hudson offers:‚ Darts, Petanque, Synchronized Swimming, Mogul Skiing, Road Racing, Tennis, Kendo, Speed Skating, Ice Hockey and Dodgeball.
Crossing timing mini-games with accuracy, most of the games in the collection are fun for ten minutes.‚ Petanque, a game very similar to bowling in Wii Sports or shuffle board, was one of the only games in the set to offer some depth.‚ Kendo is a random flail victory, and road racing is as exciting as it is in Mario kart minus weapons and Mario.‚ It’s hard to really replicate the experience of running around in gym class on a dodgeball court but that is exactly why it shouldn’t be in a mini-game compilation.
Dodgeball is an intense sport with strategy and timing, but in Deca Sports 2 it’s overly simple where one button throws to the people outside the court and another makes you catch the ball flying at your face but that’s all there is to it.‚ Shaking the Wii-mote sometimes has your whole team dodge the ball, which in Deca Sports 2 the whole team is controlled by one player therefore everyone moves together making the court look silly instead of like a battlefield, hurting any ability to get into the game when it’s all luck and two buttons.When you get down to your last player though, it works better, since that feeling of silliness is gone and it’s more about timing than luck.
We’ve all heard about the Wii by this point and considering the Wii is packaged with Wii Sports, we’ve all had the chance to play one of the five games on it.‚ While a solid game, there is always room for improvement.‚ Deca Sports 2 does it’s best to improve upon the one crossover Wii Sports game, tennis, by allowing the character the ability to miss-time a serve as well as run in towards the net or away.‚ A huge complaint in Wii Sports, the fact you can’t control where the character moves, was seen and fixed by the people at Hudson.‚ I’m trying not to draw many comparisons to Wii Sports but it is very hard not to, giving the natural similarities.
The game itself isn’t all bad.‚ The fact that you can customize your team using their‚ Mii-esque character creator like it does in Wii Sports is still fun.‚ It’s nice to play a league tournament with five characters you made yourself.‚ The body size of the characters you make also affect what their skills are.‚ If you pick a small character they may be quicker than a bigger guy, but the bigger guy packs more of a punch for games like tennis and petanque, therefore you have options for who you want to play for which sport your team is up to compete in.
Overall, there are some moments of fun here.‚ Also, don’t be afraid to play synchronized swimming because, surprisingly enough, the timing and motions they ask you to do are somewhat rewarding.‚ When I watched my hairy large white man with a beard twirls his shaved legs out of the water to music, I got a kick out of it.
Blast Factor: If you’re craving more mini-games that will keep your kids glued to the Wii or you’re in need of simple games, than this is the game for you.‚ Otherwise, you’re probably safe with Wii Sports, or maybe even picking up Wii Sports Resort for its Motion Plus games.
Deca Sports 2 is available exclusively on the Nintendo Wii, and retails for $29.99. A copy of this game was given to us by the publisher for reviewing purposes.
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