Is U2 the next band to receive a music-game slapped with their name and likenesses on it?

The USA Today reports that U2 was very interested in starring in their own Rock Band game last year, but for some reason decided against it.

But now that the Irish rockers have seen the success of The Beatles: Rock Band, or at least its apparent success, they want in.

“We definitely would like to be in there, but we felt some of the compromises weren’t what we wanted,” Adam Clayton told USA Today. “That could change. I love the idea that that’s where people are getting music, and we’d love to be in that world.”

The group was concerned about their digital portrayal, and rightfully so, but when Harmonix pulled it off with The Beatles, they were quick to become enthused again.

“What The Beatles have done, where the animation is much more representative of them, is what we’re interested in, rather than the one-size-fits-all animation. We didn’t want to be caricatured.”

Anyone up for a U2-flavored Rock Band game? They do have the catalogue of songs neccessary to pull it off, not to mention Bono.

Source: Kotaku

About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

One Response

  1. Saint Subversive

    When they release the U2 version of Rock Band, that’s the day that Ill finally buy a gaming system. Start working on it, lads, and Ill start saving up my cash! 🙂


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