Like building cities? Want to be the designer, builder and mayor of your own city?‚ The time to do that may have passed, but Cities XL is hoping to give you the chance to live your dreams on the computer!‚ Here’s a new video from Monte Cristo for Cities XL which will introduce viewers to all the aspects of the game. “The Big City Experience” shows everything from designing airports to zoning downtown areas to optimize living space. The game looks like an alternative to the Sims City games and is sure to impress fans of the genre. Check out the video here.

For more information on the game and to check out a demo, go to Monte Cristo’s Cities XL site.

Here’s a new video from Monte Cristo for Cities XL which will introduce viewers to all the aspects of the game. “The Big City Experience” shows everything from designing airports

About The Author

David is sophomore at Boston College. He writes for the video game section and loves movies, television and music too.

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