PopCap Games released Zuma’s Revenge, a single mode version of the recently launched sequel. It is available for a suggested retail price of $9.95. It is available for PC via Web download from MSN Games, Yahoo Games, RealArcade, GameHouse, iWin.com, STEAM, AOL, and pogo.com. The game focuses on a ball shooting who explores ancient ruins and temples. The sequel enhances the resolution and adds a slew of bonus features which are sure to entertain new and returning fans. Among the added bonuses are:

‚· More than 60 all-new levels

‚· Six mini-game Boss Battles that introduce explosive new attacks and wily defenses

‚· Three all-new power-up effects: Lightning, Laser, and Tri-Shot (plus all the power-ups from the original Zuma)

‚· New methods of movement like lily-pad hopping, slide-aiming, and more

‚· Amazing high definition (1920 x 1200) graphics and dazzling effects that bring Zuma into the modern world of gaming

So if this sounds interesting, be sure to check it out. Comment below with your thoughts and feelings.

About The Author

David is sophomore at Boston College. He writes for the video game section and loves movies, television and music too.

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