“New Moon,” the sequel to the teenage vampire love drama that’s swept the world with its undying popularity, is selling more tickets on Fandango than any other movie, including all of the currently released films.
In a recent study, Fandango found that “New Moon,” which doesn’t open until November 20, accounted for 37 percent of its recent ticket sales, beating out “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs,” which had 36 percent and “The Informant!,” which only had 9 percent. “Jennifer’s Body,” raked in 4 percent of sales.
Speaking of “Jennifer’s Body,” Fandango polled users, asking “Which role would you most like to see Megan Fox play?” Thirty-two percent of responders said they want to see the sexy star play Wonder Woman, while 30 percent said Catwoman. But what’s most astonishing is that 13 percent answered “Bella in ‘Breaking Dawn.'” Thirteen percent of polled moviegoers want to see Kristen Stewart get the boot.
Bella/Kristen in Breaking Dawn so kicks butt on anything that over hyped Megan Fox does. Wish I could of voted !
Well, Megan Fox is very hot, I will admit but she can’t play Bella. Bella is a teen and Megan Fox is 23 years old. Even Rob Pattinson is too old to be Edward, so Megan Fox would be pushing it. And she’s too sexy, she’s not vulnerable or innocent looking enough.