A Yale University lab technician, who works in the building that graduate student Annie Le was found murdered, has been released from custody after the alleged “person of interest” was cleared by a DNA test, according to The New Haven Register.

Raymond Clark, 24, of Middletown, Conn. was taken into custody by police Tuesday. Officers searched his home also.

But DNA appears to have cleared Clark from wrongdoing.

The question remains, now, who murdered the tiny, helpless grad student who was supposed to have gotten married last Sunday?

About The Author

John Guilfoil is the editor-in-chief of Blast: Boston's Online Magazine and the Blast Magazine Network. He can be reached at [email protected]. Tweet @johnguilfoil.

2 Responses

  1. Kame

    This investigation has been grossly over-publicized, especially considering this murder is just one of about 14000 expected for the USA in 2009. Again the media demonstrates it MUST practice more self-restraint. Despite all the technology hoopla, CSI and FBI acting like M-i-c-k-e-y, the investigation has apparently been mishandled in an extremely irresponsible manner, with the storming and apprehension of a ‘person of interest’ — just call them a ‘prime suspect’, for Pete’s sake, enough of the tiring ‘cliches ala Americana’ — that lacked ANY ‘motive’ for having killed the graduate student. Good God almighty, has all the investigative technology made law enforcement dismiss motive altogether!


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