America had to say goodbye this week to one of the most beloved players in Big Brother history. Fan favorite, Jeff was got the boot Thursday night. it came down to a tie breaker with Kevin, the Head of Household, making the final decision.

Kevin won his first HOH competition and put up Michelle and Jeff against each other. Every house guest had a chance to battle it out for the power of veto, but in the end Michelle took another veto competition. At the Veto ceremony, she took herself off the block, leaving Kevin with only two options. Sticking with his alliance he put Jordan up as a replacement nominee.

Throughout the week Jeff’s ally Jordan campaigned to keep him in the game. She felt as if he deserved to stay over her. But in the end Kevin decided his best move was to take out Jeff. It became apparent when he left the house that Jeff was America’s favorite, as he got a standing ovation from the live audience. This could leave him with a good chance to win the $25,000 fan favorite prize in the end.

Now that Jeff has become the next member of the jury, it’s down to the final four; Jordan, Michelle, Kevin, and Natalie. In Thursday’s HOH competition Natalie won her first competition of the season. However, this week’s POV competition is the most important power this week, given there’s only three possible nominees. Tune in Sunday to see who Natalie nominates and find out Tuesday who wins the crucial POV.

About The Author

Lindsey Ferris is a 2006 Umass Amherst grad who has worked as a TV producer in Springfield

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