SEGA and announced a unique partnership today begging the question “Can You Be Bayonetta?”
In this ultimate cosplay contest, SEGA and Maxim are looking for the sole individual who most embodies the essence, personality, style, and most of all, sexiness of BAYONETTA main character, Bayonetta.
Beginning today (September 2) and running through until the end of the month, is accepting image submissions f0r the contest, with the month of October reserved for fan-voting.
Not only will the best Bayonetta goddess be rewared with eternal internet fame (a la Jessica Chobot) but will also win an Xbox 360, a 50 inch HDTV, and a copy of the game itself.
Head on over to the official contest page for more information and helpful hints on how to best become Ms. Bayonetta!
We stumbled into this‚ Bayonetta cosplayer at Comic Con this year (imaged below), but come on, you can do better right, she doesn’t work for SEGA or anything….oh wait
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