Humans are vanishing accross the galaxy. No one knows why. Commander Shepard has been chosen to lead a crew into space to discover the cause of the vanishing. However, his crew will be vital to not only solving the mystery, but for his very survival. Gamers will need to build a diverse and loyal in order to succeed. Players will be able to select from a motley cast of characters. The first of these characters is Thane, a deadly assassin revealed in June. The latest character to be revealed is Grunt, a violent and unpredictable Krogan fighter who has never known defeat. If he can be tamed, his strength will be an asset…but can he be trusted?

Mass Effect 2 is scheduled for an early 2010 release on Xbox 360 and PC.

About The Author

David is sophomore at Boston College. He writes for the video game section and loves movies, television and music too.

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