The sequel to Army of Two, Army of Two: The 40th Day will be sure to please fans of the original game. The multi-platinum co-op shooter sees the return of main characters Salem and Rios, the two man private military team. Trapped in the middle of Shanghai as it falls under attack, the two must survive and escape the collapsing city.
Those who pre-order the game will get exclusive access to the game’s all new explosive multi-player mode called “Extraction” a month before‚ everyone else. The game improves on the features of the original by bringing a more robust and redisgned multiplayer experience with four unique multiplayer modes. Players will have to strategize as a unified team to combat the different forces of the 40th Day Initiative.
Army of Two: The 40th Day will be released on January 12, 2010. It will be available for Xbox 360, PS3 and PSP.
To preorder the game or learn more about it, visit their website or their twitter account!
way to long from here
I sympathize. Go pick up Dissidia or something to fight with.