Battlefield 1943, the multiplayer-only sequel to the PC game Battlefield 1942, released on Xbox Live Arcade two days ago and on the Playstation Network yesterday. You may not have heard, but there are three maps to begin with, but four maps in total. The fourth map will be released when the community reaches 43 million kills total, which is a great idea, and preferable to paying for a DLC map pack. It’s like Noby Noby Boy, except stuffed full of World War II era violence. The more we play as a community, the more support we see for the title.
The official countdown towards 43 million kills begins today–it’s fun to watch the Ps3 and 360 owners race, after all. That is why we want to recruit our readers as hired guns, of sorts. All you have to do is take a picture of the statistics page for your gamertag or PSN ID on Battlefield 1943, where your total kills are displayed on a leaderboard. Whoever contributes the most to the war effort amongst our readers by the time that fourth map is finally unlocked will receive either a Microsoft Points or Playstation Network card for $20, which is $5 more than the game costs. You get your money back, and a little something extra for the future, courtesy of Blast.
The rules are simple: Take a picture of your television screen, and e-mail it to [email protected] (Hey, that’s me!). I’ll publish a reminder the day (or day before)‚ it looks like the fourth map is about to be unlocked so everyone can send in their last-minute photos. Please make sure to timestamp your photo for authenticity, and we’re using the honor system here, so no photoshopping kill totals. Photoshoppers will be hunted down and flogged by the runner-up (Blast is not responsible for your airfare). We’ll verify that you are who you say you are over your network of choice, and then you get free stuff. Neat, huh? And all you had to do was play a game you already bought.
Yeah But I was hoping for the game free. 🙁