Fans went absolutely batty with the Fox announcement that a special limited edition Blu-ray and DVD of Dollhouse Season 1 will be individually numbered to only 5,000 (2,500 Blu-ray, 2,500 DVD). This prompted a run on, which sent the website crashing down.

“Within a couple of hours, fervent fans of Joss Whedon’s television hit “Dollhouse,” created a colossal traffic jam temporarily halting the pre-sale at,” the company said n a statement.

Each limited edition Blu-ray and DVD features a personal letter to fans from Whedon and special packaging. The DVD is available for pick-up exclusively at San Diego Comic-Con International.

“Dollhouse” Season One BD and DVD will be available everywhere July 28.

About The Author

John Guilfoil is the editor-in-chief of Blast: Boston's Online Magazine and the Blast Magazine Network. He can be reached at [email protected]. Tweet @johnguilfoil.

5 Responses

  1. The One True b!X

    Of course, the fact that people are still having problems today with multiple charges, etc. proves that the real issue has nothing to do with traffic to the server, but with Fox not preparing.

  2. Tania

    True dat!
    I’m one of them – tried to order today, got errors every time, now there are multiple charges against my bank despite no order going through. And Fox ignore my emails.
    Now they blame the fans. Yeah, right! Their system is fubar. Don’t blame us, Fox, we’re just trying to use it.

    But *sigh*….. what did we expect from Fox, anyway?

  3. semigeekgirl

    Yeah, I’m really wondering how we crashed their server when the order page didn’t even go up for the first twenty minutes or so. I was lucky, I got one (and with only a single charge on my credit card, no less) – but it’s ridiculous that the crash is being blamed on the fans, when in fact Fox was so inept that they couldn’t even sell out yesterday. Let’s see, you have a rabid, internet-savvy fanbase who desperately wants your product, and at the end of the day you’ve sold maybe 10% of your inventory? I smell FAIL.

  4. Ian

    Classic case of bad management. They should have been prepared. I now have several thousand dollars worth of authorization holds on my credit card and my debit card has been rendered useless by more authorization holds.

    I kept entering my card info and trying over and over cause the system said there was an error processing my card. (These activities surely contributed to the crash.)

    I feel bad for people that will have rent checks bounce because of this madness.

    Fox always seems to underestimate Whedon fans. It doesn’t make sense. We are practically begging Fox to take our money for Joss Whedon media. You’d think they want to make some money, right?


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