Zipper Interactive, creators of the wildly ambitious MAG, a massive battlefield-type game exclusive to the PS3, at the Sony E3 media briefing today showed that indeed a full-on 128 versus 128 match could be pulled off effectively, without lag, and with tons of heinous explosions.

I’ll be honest, I didn’t know what to expect when Sony revealed MAG, short for massive action game, last year at this very show, but now, after seeing it in action, I really feel that Zipper and Sony know just what they’re doing.

What we saw was eight Zipper developers on-stage demonstrating MAG for the first time, over the expanses of the Internet, with QA testers and family members scattered throughout the globe.

You work in an eight-man squad in MAG to seek out and destroy enemy encampments. The fire can get heavy and the blood not only chills in your veins but also flows freely from your body if you aren’t careful.

This is a game we’re sure to keep our eyes on and stay close to as E3 2009 progresses. Keep it locked here at Blast for forthcoming details from our men on location.

MAG is due out fall of 2009.

About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

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