German developer Crytek Frankfurt announced the sequel to the bea-utiful PC-only Crysis today dubbed the predictable Crysis 2.‚ But in a not so predictable manner revealed that the sequel will come to PS3, Xbox 360, and PC.‚ Whoa, awesome.
Publisher Electronic Arts is staying on-board for this multi-platform second title and is hoping that the console admittance garners even more popularity to help fuel excitement for the third and final installment in the trilogy.
“The development of Crysis 2 marks a major stepping stone for our studio,” said Cevat Yerli, CEO and President of Crytek. “This is not only the next game in the Crysis franchise, it’s the first title we are developing for consoles and the first title being built on CryENGINE 3.”
I’ve spent mere minutes with Crysis in my time, as my PC suffers from uber-suckage, but what I’ve seen I’ve loved, and cannot wait to fire up this bad-boy (in every sense of the phrase) on my Xbox 360 whenever EA decides to release the game.
Stay tuned for forthcoming details on the project, who know, maybe at E3 this week.
via Kotaku
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