We already knew this but Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment today made their partnership with New Line Productions and The Saul Zaentz Company official, to publish games based on the epic “Lord of the Rings” franchise.

Warners Bros. Interactive are stepping in a new direction with their newly-earned license and will be developing LOTR games spanning many genres in order to, as the new publisher states, “appeal to a wide range of unique gamers, including hardcore RPG fans and families.”

First up in the batch of new promised titles is Lord of the Rings: Aragorn’s Quest, a family-friendly, third-person action-adventure game that WB assures fans will bring about a new take on a tired genre by showing a new, colorful side of Middle Earth.

I’m all about diversity and reaching new fans, but Middle Earth has never seemed friendly to me.

We’ll absolutely get our hands on Aragorn’s Quest at E3 and press WB representatives for information regarding forthcoming titles and reasoning behind picking up the license. Stay tuned.

About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

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