Those looking to pee their pants in an honorable fashion can‚ do so September 29 when Dead Space Extraction comes exclusivley to the Nintendo Wii.
Extraction is a prequel to its big brother HD console counterpart Dead Space, and is promised to bring the same “high polished, action horror experience of Dead Space” as well as “upping the ante for technical excellence” to Nintendo’s crazy-popular home console.
“Our team is really excited to bring the intensity of the Dead Space universe to an entire new audience” said Executive Producer, Steve Papoutsis. “We are going to deliver the same high quality, cinematic experience we delivered in the original Dead Space, while also adding co-op, new enemies, weapons and taking advantage of all of the unique features the Wii has to offer.”
Dead Space Extraction is being developed by Visceral Games (you may remember them as EA Redwood Shores) and will introduce Lexine, a brand new character, and the ultimate heroine whose abilities are instrumental to the eventual survival of the crew.
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