Terminator Salvation the video game for PC is hurting, real bad.‚ According to the official website for the movie based title, the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions are just fine, but the PC adaptation has been plagued with the most sinister of all possible defects-the game won’t install.
The folks behind the game have gone as far as to issue a total recall of every last copy in North American retail and have assured the folks that did get screwed over with a faulty copy that “a replacement plan for all end users that purchased the defective units is currently being set up.”
From what the press release sounds like, this was a replication issue and not some unnoticed (however that may be possible) bug in the code.‚ Either way, this is an awful situation.
Stay tuned for our review of the non-failing Xbox 360 edition in the coming days.
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