For the six people in America who missed the Wednesday night season finale of American Idol, the winner was Kris Allen.

The adorable underdog beat out Adam Lambert, the heavy favorite from the beginning. Lambert was praised by the judges throughout the season for his unmatched voice and, despite a scandal involving his weekend escapades dressed as women, many were shocked by his loss.

The of course, didn’t happen until 9:58 p.m. The rest of the show was dedicated to a performance by past contestants, as well as performances by Rod Stewart, Queen and Steve Martin, among others. The finale also included the usual inane bantering, lame and unbearable “Golden Idol Awards” and about 45 minutes of commercials.

Allen didn’t know what to say when he was handed the new American Idol trophy, but he was kind enough to announce that Lambert was more deserving of the win.

There you have it, a dramatic and surprising show.

But, was America right? Comment below.

About The Author

Erica J. Marcus is a Blast Contributing Editor

2 Responses

  1. Christine

    There is no doubt that Lambert has a truly amazing voice and will be hugely successful. I much preferred Kris, however. His voice is just as amazing…with impeccable pitch and great tone. The difference between the two is humility. Kris appeals to the masses with his kind and sweet spirit. Adam’s attitude was less humble..just too loud and bold for me. Two things I can also do without…Adam’s constant screaming and his tongue hanging out far too often.

  2. Like

    @ Christine .Vous etes peut-etre quelqu’un qui a deja assez d’assurance et c’est pourquoi vous preferez Kris qui est plus humble… Opposites attracts (comment dit on ca en francais ?)… Moi, je suis extroverte, mais pas assez pour vraiment impressionner les gens avec ma parole ou de crier a haut voix…
    C’est pourquoi je voudrais bien emprunter 10 % d’audace d’Adam Lambert.

    Meme si Kris Allen n’a que 23 ans, il a aussi beaucoup d’experience et je pense qu’il montra plus d’audace quand il aura le meme age de Lambert qui a 27 ans maintenant…


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