In Universal Pictures’ upcoming film adaptation of “Land of the Lost,” Dr. Rick Marshall (Will Ferrell), his research assistant Holly (Anna Friel) and redneck survivalist Will (Danny McBride) find themselves transported to an alternate dimension where dinosaurs still roam the land and crabs are the size of small trucks. They must either escape to their own world and become heroes or stay trapped forever in the Land of the Lost.

In the spirit of the movie, Blast is holding a contest to give away passes to a pre-screening of the movie to be held Monday, June 1 at 7:00 p.m. in Boston. Submit a picture of yourself trapped in the Land of the Lost to [email protected]. Our 10 favorite submissions will win tickets to the pre-screening and have their pictures posted to the site. The contest ends Wednesday, May 27. Good luck!

“Land of the Lost” is directed by Brad Silberling and hits theaters June 5.


About The Author

Terri Schwartz was a Blast Contributing Editor from 2008-2009.

2 Responses

  1. Vicky Hu

    I saw the first one way way back.. OMG.. i am getting old. I’ve heard that people should not be bringing old flicks back and not remake them. I’d say boo… make them so we can watch new actors and give us a chance to compare what we like or dislike.

    so yea.. bring it! 🙂

  2. Vicky Hu

    Oh.. And i dont knwo if i can get that creative… since i was never an artsy student.. but i will put my best/most creative mind forward!

    why can’t we just have a math thing… lol


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