Think you’ve got what it takes to be the human incarnate of Duke Nukem?‚  Want to get paid to travel the world acting as the face of the franchise?‚  Sounds like a lofty endeavor, I know, but Deep Silver and Apogee Software, the folks who bring you all things Duke, have simplified the process allowing anyone, anywhere the ability to audition.

Fans are encouraged to send a short video of themselves acting out the mannerisms of Duke to, where the videos will be judged by a panel of “Duke Experts”, with the winner granted a job of a lifetime traveling the globe being Duke.

While the feminine half of the world is not ruled out for consideration, I just don’t see it happening.‚  Prove me wrong!

No word on what the actual compensation rate is, but hey, to be the face of one of video games’ most iconic cigar smoking bad-asses has got to be worth it.‚  And judging by the videos submitted thus fan, the competition is weak.‚  If you have Duke in you at all, head on over to the site and check it out.

About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

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