Nightmare’s are heart racing, blood-pumping affairs and Knights are, well knights.‚  Combine the two and what do you have?‚  Knights in the Nightmare, the highly anticipated and eerily close to release DS strategy title is now available for demo download via the Nintendo channel on your Wii.

Atlus, creators of Knights, describe the demo as such: “Interactive, educational, and lengthy.”‚  The demo, which is essentially a tutorial, will hold your hand and show you how to control your troops effectively in order to prepare you for full battle come June 2.

Not to plug away for the title, but Atlus is offering up a 96 page art book and soundtrack to those who pre-order.‚  So you may want to at least consider, especially if you’re picking the game up anyway.

About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

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