Think you have gaming skills? Is gaming more of a competitive endeavor for you?‚  Does the craving of crushed skulls and curb-stomped enemies keep you up at night?

If so, you may just have a serious psychological condition, or you might be a highly skilled and competitive gamer-either way you’ll like what GamingAhead is trying to do.

GamingAhead today launched an online destination offering single and team competitions for every major console with varied and fantastic prizes given to the winners.‚  Who knows, if you’re good enough, you could go pro and even join Team GA.

GamingAhead promises pro interviews, video montages to the winners of tournaments, and live tournaments.

Games played in the various tournaments include:

Madden Crown

King of the Guns

Gears of War 2

Call of Duty 4

Halo Wars

Kill Zone

A glaring omission, at least in my eyes, is Halo 3.‚  A tournament service without Halo, really?

As far as the fancy prizes are concerned, winners can expect anything from $50-$500 American Express cards; 1600 or 4000 Microsoft points; 3 month subscriptions to Microsoft live;‚ $20-$100 PS3 card‚ to the Playstation network; and GamingAhead t-shirts and hats.

Can’t hurt to play if you’ve got the skills can it?

Head on over to for more information.

About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

One Response

  1. Manuel

    I’ll over look the fact that this reads like a commercial.

    And just says it sucks, that competitions don’t have the attention spans for RPGS.


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