Even before “Twilight” was ever made into a movie, fans have predicted and speculated on who they want to see portray each role in the saga. The most recent cast suggestion — Channing Tatum as vampire Riley — came from “Twilight” and “New Moon” screenwriter, Melissa Rosenberg.

“Eclipse” the third installment of the “Twilight” saga will bring a few important new characters into the story, including the ravenous young vampire, Riley, who Melissa Rosenberg believes should be played by Channing Tatum. The 29 year old actor of “Step Up” and “Fighting” fame might have a lot to bring to the “Twilight” franchise, but Twilighters have someone else in mind.

Evil Iguana Productions’ Craig Deering has become a favorite of “Twilight” fans over the past few months after his role as James in EIP’s “Twilight” parody video, his appearance at the TwilightLive DVD release party in New York City and his upcoming appearance at TwiCon with fellow EIP member, Allen Murphy.

Twilighters are now showing their love for Deering by campaigning for him to appear in “Eclipse” as Riley. When HisGoldenEyes.com, one of the series’ most popular websites, ran a story on Tatum’s possible role in the film, the comment section was overwhelmed with votes for Deering to portray the character instead.

For example:

by amanda @ 01 May 2009 05:57 pm

by Blue @ 01 May 2009 06:04 pm

NO CHANNING! but I would see the movie five more times if Craig was cast! That would be seriously awesome and we know he actually can act… Summit should get on that pronto!

Hahaha I love Craig.


by ROLO @ 01 May 2009 06:05 pm

OME, Evil Iguana Productions? That would be so cool! Lol. I don’t know about Channing, I always thought of Riley as thin and lean, like a teenager for some reason. Plus, Channing reminds me of last semester’s health teacher. And that’s just … weird. Especially in that photo. Lol. =P

In that case, the buff Channing Tatum should probably step aside for the charmingly lanky Craig Deering.

Blast asked Deering himself what he has that Tatum doesn’t.

“I may not be able to swoon girls with my sweet dance moves or survive underground boxing” Deering replied, “however, I would bring a fresh approach to the character I am sure fans could appreciate.”

And the fans definitely do appreciate Deering already. Another comment on the story said “NO CHANNING! but I would see the movie five more times if Craig was cast! That would be seriously awesome and we know he actually can act… Summit should get on that pronto!”

Right now it is just another “Twilight” rumor going around, but Deering would be more than willing to make it a reality, as he said he would be “definitely all for it” given the chance to audition.

He gave Blast this heads up: “I’m actually planning a video campaign with two of my friends as a result of fans telling us we should audition, so they should keep their eyes on YouTube for that.”

And he just might be able to get Summit’s attention for that audition with enough fan support, which he has full faith in.

“The amount of dedication these fans have is amazing” Deering said, “and the amount of work they are putting into saying what they want is helping a lot.”

Has Deering got what it takes to step it up and beat out Channing Tatum for the role? Let Blast (and Summit) know what you think by leaving a comment below.

About The Author

Liz McClendon is a two-time graduate of Virginia Tech and now spends her time traversing the internet, where she writes and continues her seemingly everlasting quest to be gainfully employed.

128 Responses

  1. AllyssaGCoy

    what does Craig not have? He has real talent and would bring a sort of lighteness to the situation. Besides, this is a great opportunity for him to break out of YouTube and onto the big screen.

  2. Mrs Deering

    craig is the obvious choice for anyone who has ever read the book, much better than *him*

  3. maggie

    definitely 😀
    channings got nothing on craig 😀

  4. Megan

    you’d automatically get all the EIP watchers if Craig Deering was cast in a Twilight movie!!!! votes for Deering!!

  5. Laura B.

    Craig Deering would be absolutely perfect for the role of Riley!!!

  6. MeganT

    craig deering is the only reason i would actually go see that movie. in a movie, sometimes you have to have new faces, and tatum is too known.

  7. Kenzie

    Not a fan of channing or twilight, but if craig was in it I’d go see it!

  8. Samantha

    Craig is a much better choice than Channing Tatum for this role. Riley is portrayed as young and I’ve always pictured him thinner, and sort of small. Craig just fits what most people think of Riley (or so it seems). Plus Craig is just plain awesome 😀

  9. Rachel

    Craig should definitely be cast! That would be reason enough to go see the movie for a lot of EIP fans, including myself. Broaden your audience!

  10. charlotte a.

    im not a big twilight fan, and refused to see the first movie. when i had to do a book report for school, i wrote about my problems with twilight (i got a A). there is only one thing that could make me go see that movie.
    GO CRAIG GO!!!

  11. Aria

    Craig would be sooooooooo amazing!! If he was in it i would see it like 50 times more than if Channing was in it. Not that Channing isnt a sexy beast 😀

  12. Sammie Lynn

    I have said three times before, Craig Deering would be perfect for the role of Riley! I will say that Ms. Rosenberg does ot have my support nor faith in her. I implore Summit to please listen to fans! This movie would have been nothing if not for the fans! Please cast Craig Deering!

  13. Jessicaaa

    Craig Deering FTW!!!
    Come on, he’s the only choice for Riley.

  14. Anna

    I think Craig would be an amazing choice for the role. He really wants to be a part of this movie and he was the acting skills to do so! He loves flim, so the chance for him to be a part of a full length movie would be great. Craig would be a new exciting actor for Eclipse. Not only would the Twilight fans see the movie, but it would reach out to the EIP fans too. I vote and support for Craig to be in Eclipse!!

  15. Grace

    i think craig would be perfect for the role of riley. channing is too old and too bulky…riley should be lean, like craig…

  16. Julie Mary

    YES!!! CRAIG, CRAIG, CRAIG!!! Craig is perfect for Riley. DEERING FTW! :DDD

  17. Nicky

    Craig should play Riley in Eclipse! Tatum doesn’t look how I imagined Riley when I read the book. Craig does! Plus, Evil Iguana Productions has 64, 800 subscribers as of now (8/2/2009) and I’m sure that pretty much all of them would love to see Craig on the big screen. Summit should get Craig Deering now!

  18. SidsFriend

    I would definitely see the Twilight threequel if Craig was in it.

  19. Kyra

    Craig Deering should absolutely be Riley. He’s already been accepted by the Twilight verse’ which leaves little room for there to be the world famous “twilight rage” over him being cast. Not to mention he’s hot, talanted, and people that wouldn’t otherwise see Twilight are more likely to see it now with him cast.

  20. Pree M

    OMG I LOVE EIP!! If Craig was in Eclipse i think the entire WORLD would see it 100 more times. Channing is good and everything, but come on its CRAIG. 😀

  21. Michaela

    YES YES YES for Craig! I think I might cry if he doesn’t get at least contacted about the role.

  22. Jamie

    I think that Craig would make an awesome Riley. I think it would be quite stupid for them not to cast him. I mean, has anyone seen an outpour of fans saying “CAST CHANNING!!!”? No. Craig’s where it’s at.

  23. Nicole

    I think Craig would be a perfect Riley. They sould cast him.

  24. Roberta


  25. Jill

    I have known Craig for a while and helping him out with his projects on youtube and believe me he would be a better choice for Riley then Channing. My vote is for Craig all the way!!

  26. Jenn

    Craig all the way! He is the best! Please cast him as Riley!

  27. Mandy

    Craig Deering would be awesome for Riley!!!! He is a great actor and ew Channing is like almost 30, that’s gross. So woo hoo for Craig!!!

  28. Kane987321

    If Deering played the part i would go and watch Eclipse. I hate this series and i would go and watch that movie if he was in it. That’s how much of a fan i am. If he was cast, i would go to the first midnight showing in my area with the millions of crazy girls and watch this movie. I would risking body and limb for this movie and it would be worth it if he was playing the part. Please make the one smart decision and give this guy the chance he deserves.

  29. Leeza

    i really think craig should get the role!!!
    hes obviously loved by a lot of fans, and a lot of ppl would be mad if he wasnt cast..I LOVE CRAIG!!

  30. Aoife

    Craig Deering is perfect for Riley. They should seriously consider him for the role.

  31. Melissa

    I think Craig would be AMAZING! He is an amazing actor and would be perfect for the role! Not only would he be amazing in that movie, but he is a great actor, so it would also help him to start his career, and get more auditions for other roles. GOOD LUCK!!!

  32. Helene

    I also imagined Riley as a thin teenager. Someone who looks like they would get manipulated easily.

    It’s obvious that Craig is perfect for the role, his character in the Allen and Craig show is just like how I mentally portrayed Riley.

    I’ll be so disappointed if they pass up this chance to put a truly awesome actor to this character when its obvious they fit the part soooo perfectly.

  33. cathy

    i love love eviliguana
    and heck yes for craig deering
    i think twilight should bring in people who are not already big
    and with craig deering,hes like a breath of fresh air
    and the be wicked cool if we had a youtube person on screen
    and….. hes fucking awesome 🙂

  34. nicole

    Craig Deering SHOULD and WILL play the role. Either that, or you’ll have thousands of disappointed fans who just might not watch this movie. Their choice.

  35. Lauriene

    Craig is really good. Really. I’d actually go see that movie if Craig was in it, which is far more than I could say if Channing Tatum were cast.

  36. Sarah

    I’d love to see Craig cast as Riley, but from what I’ve heard, the role has already been cast. It isn’t Tatum though. It’s some unknown that the “Eclipse” director got.

  37. Abby

    Channing Tatum is too old, and by the way I don’t think much of him. Let’s give Craig a chance he makes great videos I 100% think he could do it!

  38. Aislinn

    Who wants another dude who looks hot/buff and has nothing backing him up in another Twilight movie? Twilight as a series is not a one-dimensional story, so I believe that the movies shouldn’t be either. Craig would bring a real difference to the character of ‘Riley’, and would portray someone that humans above the age of 10 would find to be a joy to relate to… And to figure out. Craig is the intelligent choice.

  39. Allison

    Everyone knows that craig would clearly be a more accurate portrayal of riley. Lets get his foot in the door at hollywood. Hes just the kind of guy that everyone wants to see succed.

  40. Dina

    Craig would be so amazing as Riley!! He can totally act and looks the part. Channing Tatum is to buff and old for the role. CRAIG DEERING ALL THE WAY!!!!!!

  41. andy

    wow this is amazing. I can’t believe this is actually getting press but if Craig played Riley I would be so happy. Having someone who worked their way up from YouTube to a relatively important part in what will be one of the most watched movies of that year is really impressive.

  42. Lacey

    I fully believe that Riley was not meant to be so angular or frightening (sorry Channing), when reading the book I completely saw the vampire Riley as young, lanky, and a replaceable henchman for Victoria. Victoria was the real threat, I never got the sense that Riley could easily take down Edward or a wolf.
    Craig, you are NOT awkward or a henchman, but I can see you playing the role wonderfully! I hope Summit gives you a chance to show your stuff!

    Good luck!

  43. Sarah and Tabitha



  44. Gabriela

    CRAIG FTW! he will portray a better Riley than that big dude, Riley is a young man not muscular more like a normal guy and that guy ladies and gentelmen is Craig Deering!!!!!!!!!!

  45. Michelle

    Craig is a much better choice than Channing. A much better fit for the role of Riley.

    Deering >>>>>>>> Tatum. 😀

  46. Victoria

    Channing is too OLD for Riley. Deering is perfect, and all the fans, myself included, I think would feel this bit of smug enjoyment if Craig actually got the part. It would be special. And if Summit keeps saying they want to keep close to the books to keep the fans happy, then that means getting someone younger than Channing to play Riley, and would please the fans even much more so, if they actually did get Craig. Melissa Rosenberg must not be paying THAT close attention to the books if she’s thinking of someone as old as Channing for the part. She should stick to writing, (though, I wasn’t that pleased with what she did with the first movie anyways) and not presume to pick out actors for characters that none of the fans will like.

  47. Lani

    Channing has too strong of a… presence. Victoria has to seem more powerful than Riley, and he wouldn’t make it seem that way. I’m not saying this because I love Craig, but I think he would be perfect. He is VERY similar to how I pictured Riley in my head.

  48. Yessica

    I hadn’t thought about Craig, but now that I do I can totally picture him as Riley…he’s just perfect! who better than Craig?! xD

  49. Rina

    I really like EIP and everything that they do, but honestly I think craig should stay on youtube. He’s funny and all, but I don’t think he could do a serious role like riley. Plus all he wants is the fame, he’s never even finished reading the books.

  50. JL

    Craig would be amazing as Riley. He is fresh and original and is an amazing actor. I know him personally and it would be amazing to see him on the big screen. He is an amazing person and actor and definitely deserves an audition and chance to play Riley!

  51. Jill

    CRAIG RULES!!! I will totally see New Moon if Craig’s in it!

  52. Brittany

    Craig would be PERFECT! He obviously fits the role physically much better than Tatum, and he has talent. There’s always fans who aren’t happy who’s chosen for each role, but I haven’t seen any negative comments about Craig getting the role. It’s the only choice–Craig Deering FTW!!

  53. Paris

    Craigy!!! If he was in Eclipse I think I would go 2 the location they’re filming at and cheer for him, thats how much a fan I am.BAM!!!

  54. Emily

    TEAM CRAIG! Channing is to Buff and To OLD! Riley is supposed to be porteyed as a teen, not an almost 30 year old! I <3 you craig!

  55. Sarah

    CRAIG!!!!!!!!! Channing is way to buff and old. Craig is definatly Riley!

  56. kassandra

    he srsly has what it takes! he would be amazing! and i would only love it if he were Riley.

  57. Becca

    Go Craig! He could do the part so much better than Channing! I love you Craig! <3<3<3

  58. Lauren

    I think that Craig definitely owns over Channing. While both are awesome, for that role, Craig should be cast. He’s already a huge part of the whole Twilight fan base, might as well make him legit. =)

  59. Susan

    I cannot think of anyone who would play a better Riley than Craig!

  60. HapHap

    Wooh, that’s awesome man. I’m sure Craig can make it all the way to Riely! 🙂

  61. Cade

    gosh, has Melissa Rosenberg even read eclipse? does she not know the descprition of riley? channing would totally fail as riley. craig deering for the freakin win!!! why wouldnt they just cast him already? we all know hes a perfect riley.

  62. Leandra

    Craig Deering is fantastic and should absolutely be cast as Riley. Not only would all Twilight fans go see it, but all EIP fans would go see it. You just doubled your audience right there. And we all know the film industry is about making a profit, right? There’s some booku bucks right there Summit Entertainment!

  63. Sam

    I think that Craig Deering should at least be given a chance to audition. He is very talented and would be a good Riley. Also, more people would watch the movie if Craig was in it. If Craig is chosen, he will not disappoint and make all his fans proud.

  64. Anna

    CRAIG! CRAIG! CRAIG! As much as I love Channing, Craig’s build is perfect for the Riley I had envisioned. Please give the role to Craig!

  65. Clodagh

    craig all the way! he will bring sumitn new to the table!

  66. Caroline Adams

    Craig would be a real pleasure to watch as Riley. I don’t think Channing Tatum fits the part of Riley. Like everyone else I pictured Riley as a teenager and Craig would be the Perfect Riley.

  67. Hanna

    I don’t know if he would be perfect for the part, because I don’t really have that clear an image of Riley in my head (I like the Twilight movie a lot better than I like the book and I only read Eclipse once and was VERY bored at the end of it) but I do admire all the EIP guys very much and it would be awesome if at least one of them got a chance like this (though I want fame and glory for all of them) so I think they should at least give Craig an audition.

    My vote is on Craig, I saw the first movie about three or four times in the theatre and if there is a Twilight movie with Craig in I’ll probably see it six times!

  68. MO

    Craig should definitely get this role! I think he fits the character really well and he would definitely bring viewers to the movie. :]

  69. Sofie

    I think Craig would do an amazing job if he got the role! He was SO good, when he played James, and I think he could be awesome as Riley:P
    So Craig all the way! 🙂

  70. Morgan

    I LOVE CRAIG!!!! he should definitely be riley! he is soooo amazing! i would see the movie every night until it was out of the theater. 😀 😀 😀

  71. nikki

    Craig is the PERFECT Riley!
    He’s a fantastic actor and will do wonders with the character.
    Channing just doesn’t fit the role…
    GO CRAIG!!!

  72. Riane

    Of course… you realize how many EIP fans, who are NOT Twilight fans would go see Eclipse just to see Craig playing in a serious role on the big screen? Summit would be making a wise decision to cast him.

  73. Janine

    A buff dude with no hair, that isn’t that good at acting, who looks way too old to be Riley OR a young, lanky, teenage that would be perfect, is good at acting, and young enough to be a believable looking Riley?
    Oh, c’mon. Is this a serious question?
    Craig all the way.

    (And, for the people who say that CD can only do comedy: Go watch Silent Night. They have a link to it on their Youtube page. That sure isn’t comedy and Craig was gold in that.)

  74. Jayne

    YAAAAAY for Craig Deering!!!

    He’s awesome, and is an extremely talented young actor. If he was cast as Riley, I would watch the movie loads of times, just to see him kick ass in the role.


  75. Michaela

    Craig for Riley!!! Channing Tatum is too old!! it says in the book that riley is supposed to look about Bella’s age i.e 18…Craig would be sooo much better…i mean has Melissa Rosenbug read Eclipse?! she should have and she sould know that riley is not supposed look like he’s pushing 30!!

  76. Mary L

    As many have said before Channing Tatum is too muscular and old to play the role of Reily. Reily is supposed to be blonde, lanky, thin and vulnerable. No offense to Craig but he can fit that role PERFECTLY bodya nd mind. Some people have said that Riely is a complex character and who better to play a complex character than someone who already has. Craig played the joker in EIPs spoof of the Dark Knight. He relly captured the twisted complex mind of the Joker. As many EIP fans would agree with me Craig Deering is the perfect choice for Reily. He is all we EIP and Twilight fans would want in Riely. Give Craig a chance to prove it. Give him an audition. Don’t make us beg! Give us Craig!

  77. JDubs

    Craig Deering is soooo hot! Edward in the first movie came off as really creepy so idk if Id see teh otehr ones…but if Craig was in teh thrid one, I would watch it for sure! I would buy it and Id buy it for all my friends too!

  78. Kezia

    I really hope that Channing Tatum doesn’t get the part, I can’t even believe he is being considered, he doesn’t fit the role at all. I am a HUGE fan of EIP and Craig Deering and I think fans of the twilight saga will be a lot more pleased to have Craig as Riley rather the Channing Tatum, who to me seems like the complete opposite of what Riley should look like.

  79. Allison

    I don’t even like Twilight, but I would see the film over and over if Craig were cast. 😀

  80. Chelsea

    I’m not a huge fan of the series, but I’m a huge fan of Craig. He totally deserves this, he’s one of the most talented guys I’ve seen on YouTube. When I read the series, I pictured Riley as boyish, and skinny, not frightning and huge like Channing Tatum. I’d really like to see Craig succeed, and I’d see the movie if he was in it. Go Craig!

  81. Mariah

    Channing Tatum = FAIL.
    Craig Deering = WIN!!!!

    I agree with everyone else saying Riley should be lean and boyish, etc.

    I just think Craig would be perfect for the role.


  82. Josie

    I fully stand 100% behind Craig Deering for Riley!!!

    Vote for Craig!!!


  83. Nicole

    Of course I want Craig to be in Twilight. That is a no brainer.

    Let someone who wants to be in the movie have the role rather than an actor who will be doing it solely for the publicity.

  84. Linds

    I agree with this article and think that craig would be the best pick for this part. he was made for this role, so why not give it to him!

  85. mary

    Craig Deering as Riley would be the best. Channing no way to big… Craig = perfect…

  86. Amanda

    When I pictured Riely while reading eclipse, I did NOT picture someone buff and big for the role. I pictured Riely as someone thin, lanky, cute, and a bit geeky, you know, someone who looks like he could easily fall for a girl. And i find the Craig would be absolutley PERFECT! Not only am i a twilight fan, but im an EIP fan and a Craig fan.;);)


  87. CourtneyJoAnn

    I think that Craig would do an awesome job as Riley. Again as most have already said, I pictured Riley to be small and lanky. I just don’t think that Channing has the right look for the part, and with all the publicity of the Twilight spoof, I think it would be great for the fans of Twilight and the fans of Evil Iguana Productions to come together. CAST CRAIG!!

  88. cloe

    Channing Tatum n Craig Deering r both good but let them decide n if u dont like who they choose o well it’s not ure movie anyways so get over it

  89. kristen

    I think that Craig would be perfect as Riley.He is very close to what I imagined Riley to look like.I love Channing Tatum too,though.I think Channing Tatum should be considered for a role as a visiting vampire in Breaking Dawn.I think he would be great as one of the Romanian vampires or maybe Garrett,the nomad.

    • o0Jade960o

      I second this idea of Channing being Garrett! I think he’d be perfect.

  90. Noodle

    Craig would be the PERFECT Riley! I’m a huge fans of the series and I think Summit would be making a huge mistake if they didn’t at least let him audition.

  91. Noodle

    Whoops! Meant to say I’m a huge fan of the series, not fans! Haha! Sorry!

  92. cutEyezZ

    craig would be perfect for it!! riley in the book is like a kid and channing is so huge so be him!!!!well, channing cud be placed in breaking dawn.. but for riley, craig must be him!!!!

  93. anna

    I first saw Craig as the joker in the dark knight trailer spoof and was impressed. I watched the Allan and Craig show next and could not stop laughing, craig, and allan too, play great characters and craig is a very likeable actor that could play the vulnerability of riley so much better than channing, who is thirty for goodness sake and a poor actor. I plan on seeing all the movies but i am not so much a fan of twilight as I am a fan of Craig Deering. I really want to see someone who has such a passion for acting and such a talent make it. CRAIG DEERING PLEASE!

  94. Sam

    CRAIG DEERING!!!! I love craig with a deep passion!! LOL!! I would see the movie thousands more times if he was in it!! GIVE HIM AN AUDITION!!!!! He ROCKS!!! CRAIG FOR RILEY!!!!!!!

  95. Sam

    CRAIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR RILEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  96. Craigluver4ever

    This role most definitely goes to Craig!
    I mean, i love Channing and everything too, but Riley is just soo him! I pictured Riley kind of thin, and like a tennager..but still really cute ^^
    So This role goes to Craig Deering HANDS DOWN! C’mon Summit You got to agree! Everyone else does… xP
    <3Craigluver4ever 🙂


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