Part dream-job, part reality show competition, and part marketing gimmick, headphone and sound equipment manufacturer Sennheiser is putting together a new summer program called The Sennheiser Sound Tour.

Teams, divided by gender for maximum entertainment value, will travel across the US and Canada promoting Sennheiser’s products in a competition to quote, “put headphones on as many people as possible connecting them to the true sound of Sennheiser.”

Yeah, I don’t know what that means either, but it still sounds like fun. The benefits include getting paid to travel across thirty cities for ten weeks this summer while becoming a Youtube and Internet sensation. How you ask? Sennheiser will record these charades and edit them into weekly webcasts and upload them to their Youtube channel ( for all to see.

To get in on the action you need to whip out your best reality show personality-I suggest reviewing a few seasons of the Real World as well as a heavy dose of Battlestar Galactica to drum up your nerd quotient-and make a video explaining why you’re the best candidate for the job. Submit your job resume to [email protected], include the location of your video, and finally, cross your fingers. Hurry: submissions are due by May 1.

Submissions extended to May 8

About The Author

Michael Kaufmann, lover of all things science and gadget, is a contributing editor at Blast. He can be reached at [email protected].

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