Nintendo creative mastermind Shigeru Miyamoto has been heralded in gaming circles and pop-culture alike as one of the most influential minds of all time.‚  His works include the creation of Donkey Kong, The Legend of Zelda, and the recent Wii Fit.‚  So it cannot be possibly true that Americans believe Miley Cyrus is more influential than the loveable Shiggy, can it?

According to a poll of its users, Shigeru Miyamoto fell from his #1 spot in 2008, all the way to number 42, one place behind the crazy-popular Cyrus.

Cyrus? Really? Miyamoto is less influential than someone who drives their fans to lie about dead fathers in Iraq to win tickets?

Miyamoto garnered a total of 614,641 votes compared to Cyrus’ 626,712.

Interestingly, Barack Obama clocked in at #37 with 725,776 votes, but who took home the #1 crown you ask ?

That’d be 4Chan founder “moot,” who amassed a whopping 16.8 million votes and is nowhere near #2 Malaysian politician Anwar Ibrahim with a measly 2.3 million tallies.

Head over to to see the official results.

Via GamaSutra.

About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

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