DICE and Electronic Arts today announced that the latest in the famed Battlefield series will hit digital shelves in June‚ on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Store for $15/1200 MS Points, with a later date to be announced for PC gamers.
Battlefield 1943 builds upon the worldwide success and renown of prior installments, offers 24 player mayhem on maps similar to 1942 and is now updated with the exciting Frostbite engine.
If you played Battlefield: Bad Company you know damn well the capabilities of the engine.‚ Cover as we know it, simply does not exist anymore due to the total destructibility of environments.‚ Snipers positions are no longer unreachable, trees can be fired upon and dropped to curb forward movement, and the once pristine landscapes become war-torn and ravaged altering strategic methods of attack or defense.
Battles in 1943 will take place in three memorable World War 2 locations: Wake Island, Guadalcanal and Iwo Jima.‚ Players can suit up as Marines or the Imperial Japanese and wage war through the air, sea, or ground.‚ Much like previous titles not every soldier is created equal and you’ll have the option to choose a class that plays to your strength.‚ A running and gunning ground solider, a brute tank driver, or a acrobatic and lethal pilot are all options available in Battlefield 1943.
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