The Terminator franchise is a hell-bent, violent, gore-ridden, and emotionally attractive film series that seems a perfect fit for the home console.‚ An unlikely story complemented by a dynamic set of characters and savage killing machines are all believable elements of any great video game.‚ But as we know, the migration from film to game or vice versa is often a treacherous endeavor that time and again yields disappointment.‚ Every publisher and developer claims to bring the most representative and immersive experience of their respective title to the consumer but so very often are gamers left face-palming in disbelief.
One developer, GRIN, best known for work on the Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter series, aims to buck the trend with its loose adaptation of the film Terminator Salvation with a game of the same name.
In Salvation you assume the role of John Conner, a soldier in the resistance combating the malevolent Skynet forces in a decimated, post-apocalyptic Los Angeles two years before the events of the film.
Salvation is a third-person shooter boasting a number of elemental qualities that GRIN believes will help separate their game from the rest of the pack.
A new destructible cover system allows for the shattered and charred remains of newly destroyed buildings to be strategically traversed and utilized as means of cover.‚ You might now think twice before destroying a certain building, as doing so dramatically effects your safe advancement through enemy territory.
Furthermore, Salvation will make use of relentless enemies, stopping at nothing to bring you down, as well as advanced and diverse weaponry intertwined in numerous and varied levels.
As the following game-play trailers demonstrate, Salvation looks aesthetically similar to Gears of War in both the cover system and expansive environment design but sets itself apart with an even greater sensation of immersion and a stronger emotional sense of surmounting impossible odds.
Terminator Salvation is due out on Xbox 360 and PlayStation three May 19th.
“As the following game-play trailers demonstrate, Salvation looks aesthetically similar to Gears of War in both the cover system and expansive environment design but sets itself apart with an even greater sensation of immersion and a stronger emotional sense of surmounting impossible odds.”
It’s almost comical that they are trying to compare this game to the Gears of War series. There’s no way it will be at the same level so why even go there?