The sport of fishing is a rather leisurely and peaceful pastime usually stress-free and altogether a wholesome experience.‚ However, the excitement of reeling in a powerful fish is what drove developers to create in the plethora of fishing titles that are available today.
One title that aims to separate itself from the pitfalls of the dull monotony and waiting game that fishing so often entails is “Shimano Extreme Fishing.” ‚ ‚ Developed exclusively for the Wii and due out sometime in 2009, Extreme Fishing entertains the wilder face of fishing; one that I never knew existed!
Extreme Fishing eschews the normative thought of rod and reel as the only means to catching fish, instead offering both spear-gun and bow as means of capturing the elusive nautical fishies.
This latest batch of screens from publisher Mastiff (the guys behind Major League Eating) show off the bow and underwater tactical use of the spear-gun in the *stunning* Wii visual fashion.‚ Look up and to your right for the threesome of images.
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