Xbox 360 owners take the good with the bad.‚ We love what our system offers, and so we struggle through the pain and suffering of the dreaded red rings of death plague that has infected so many machines and propagated great angst in the fan base.‚ But this is all over and done with though, right?
Microsoft wants to believe so, but a new hardware failure issue, identified by the call sign E74 has been popping up all over the place as of late begging the question: is E74 the new RRoD?
A post on Xbox Live’s Major Nelson’s blog indicates that: “The team is aware that a very small percentage of our Xbox 360 customers have reported receiving an error that displays E74 on their screen and after investigating the issue, we have determined that the E74 error message can indicate the general hardware failure that is associated with three flashing red lights error on the console.”
If you’ve been through the month long process of a Microsoft repair you understand how much it sucks.‚ However, Microsoft shed a shard of humanity today by including the E74 error in the three year warranty under which the red rings is currently housed.
In addition, Microsoft is offering total monetary restitution to anyone who already paid for E74 repairs.
via Major Nelson
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